Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How To Become An Online English Tutor

How To Become An Online English TutorIf you want to learn English as a second language, you need to become an online English tutor. Studying online, while teaching someone how to read and write in their native language, can be a great way to explore different approaches to learning new skills and finding your own style.Online English courses are particularly popular for those who have a passion for learning English as a second language but also for those who are in a college or university setting. They have the flexibility of work and study patterns that can fit around the schedule of a busy student. This makes online English teaching as a highly desirable career choice.To become an online English tutor, there are a few things you should consider. First, how much time do you have? Since most people will already have a college degree, you can't expect to teach the basics of English. Instead, an online English tutor is going to be teaching specific levels of learning which can often be thought of as specialized degrees.Although an online English course is a whole new world of skills and approaches, you don't have to take on every challenge you find when teaching outside of class. You can still focus on what you are passionate about and make a career out of it. In order to learn all that is available, you need to develop a plan for how you will learn and use your time.The internet has opened up an opportunity to provide an online education at any time of the day or night. Whether you prefer to take some time to really learn about the topics, or you simply want to give your self a break and help someone with a particular skill, you can take courses online to earn your diploma.While studying online for a second language, you can be an active participant in your classes. You can participate in discussions and assignments. And you can give feedback to instructors as they go through the process of creating a lesson plan for your participation. All of this can make you a more effective teacher.There are many options available to you if you want to become an online English tutor. Whether you choose to teach yourself at home or join a college or university program, you'll have the flexibility of time to perfect your skills and experience a fun way to teach others.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Partnering with Your Childs Teacher

Partnering with Your Child’s Teacher As your child begins the school year in a new classroom, the early steps you take to partner with your childs teacher can make a big difference in getting things off to a good start. Kids with ADHD will typically need extra help in the classroom, and when teachers know that they have support from parents they feel much more appreciated for their efforts. With 20-30 children in a class, teachers often begin the year knowing only a few key details about each of their new students. As a parent, you know your childs full history. You know what makes him or her tick, which strategies your child has responded to with previous teachers, and which strategies were not so successful. Most teachers will appreciate learning these details from parents, especially when its presented collaboratively. Always keep in mind that teachers are ultimately in charge of their classroom and likely have substantial experience teaching children with ADHD. In fact, they may have some excellent tools and strateg ies that others have not tried in the past and end up being a great fit for your child. So, keep an open mind when your childs new teacher shares their thoughts about how to teach your child and manage his or her attention and behavior challenges. Planning a teacher meeting early in the school year will also provide an opportunity for you to learn about the academic expectations in your childs new classroom and in particular, homework expectations. I have worked with so many families whose children struggle with homework, expending two, three, or even four times more effort on homework than other children in their class. But since these kids ultimately turn in their assignments on time, their teachers never realize that homework is such a challenge for them. Once they understand what is happening, many teachers will recommend modifications to reduce the burden. For example, they may recommend that your child complete only one page of practice math problems instead of two, or break large projects down into small components with individual due dates. In addition, if your child struggles in a particular subject area and you have already enrolled him or her in a learning center or are working individually with your child at home, then share this information with your childs teacher. Theyll appreciate your extra effort. Lastly, if your childs teacher recommends a daily behavior chart in the classroom, offer to check the chart every day. Provide praise, and maybe even rewards, when your child meets the teachers daily point or sticker goal. This will allow you to monitor your childs progress every day. It will also help your child feel motivated to do his or her best, knowing that his or her parents will be proud. So dont hesitate to reach out to your childs teacher at the start of this new school year. Opening up the lines of communication early will help get things off to a good start, and will set your child up for success all year long. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

K-8 Academic Tutoring and Study Skills Support

K-8 Academic Tutoring and Study Skills Support Success in school depends on your study skills.Continue reading to learn how our study skills tutors can get you results.As our practice has expanded in recent years to include more Elementary and Middle school students, weve become increasing sensitive to the challenges that surround educational transitions. Attending a new school, especially a rigorous private school or competitive high school in the Bay Area, is an amazing opportunity that comes with a new set of challenges.   Teachers expectations are often higher, and coursework is more difficult.Our general academic and study skills tutoring is specifically designed to help students  transition to middle and high school.  We focus on the most helpful skills for middle and high school students, and  tailoring our work to each student. If your student would benefit from academic support, a study skills tutor, or test prep next year, please dont hesitate to reach out to us.Best wishes for a productive and enjoyable spring from al l of us at AJ Tutoring!To learn more about our academic and test prep programs give is a call.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top 5 Back to School Tips - ALOHA Mind Math

Top 5 Back to School Tips It could the first day of school, ever, for your kindergartener, or the first day of middle school for your older child. It even simply can be the first day of a new grade after a long summer break, all of these can be a cause for concern for children as well as parents. Here are some useful back to school tips for parents and children: Timing is everything: Starting at least a week before school actually starts, start playing pretend with your child so that you both get out of the summer timings and start getting used to getting up early for school. This also helps you plan on how long you need to get packed lunches ready and your children out the door in time to catch the bus. Finish back to school shopping early: Involve your child in planning back to school supplies and you both can have a lot of fun on shopping trips to buy all that your child will need at school. Depending on the age of the child, allocate responsibility so that he or she will start learning how to pack their own bags for school. Wardrobe: The school clothes can be a big decision point especially for young teens who want to stay in tune with current trends. Many online articles such as Back-to-school shopping strategies… from OregonLive give a lot of back to school shopping tips. For younger children, make sure the clothes are comfortable and the openings and clasps are the types that they can handle themselves when they need to visit the washroom at school. Do your homework: From the route to get to school, to the corridors and classrooms, try to do a sneak preview with your child. Get to see all of it in advance so that your child can get used to the idea, especially if he is goin g to a new school building this year. In the same way, try to keep your child prepared for schoolwork, by setting him some small exercises or holiday homework to get back into the groove of doing schoolwork. Meet teachers or friends: If possible, try to meet the teacher on the first day of school to get an idea of the environment your child is going to be in that year. Another way to get your child comfortable is to try to connect with parents of children in the same class beforehand and get your children to meet up. This way, your child will look forward to meeting friends and not worry about going back to school too much. At Aloha USA, we can help to keep your child’s mind clear and interested, so that going back to school becomes a breeze. Please see our website for more details: Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook at: and on Twitter: @AlohaKidsMath for constant updates and tips for your child’s education and dev elopment. Photo Courtesy:

Not Letting Pain Get in Between Your Dreams

Not Letting Pain Get in Between Your Dreams Photo by carlos.a.martinez via The way pain can hinder someone is twofold. Emotional pain can stop someone to progress depending on how much it hits them. Some are more tolerable of pain whereas others are more deeply affected by words that get thrown their way. People adjust the way they speak to different people based of experience and what the relationship is like. You won’t be talking to your sensitive friend the same way you would to your best friend. If as a sensitive person someone tells you that your idea is undoable, that may be alone to cause the pain that will make you abandon that idea completely. Someone that tolerates his or her emotions more will not be intimidated by such a comment. They will still go through with their ideas and take more risk that will either be beneficial or disadvantageous; regardless, the benefits will not occur if no chances are taken. Physical pain can stop people from reaching their dreams in ways that some may not have though of before. For example, if there is a certain appearance required to obtain a particular career, some will not take the extra mile to get that look. Beauty is pain and for some women, that pain is not worth it. Getting your hair done, waxing, and staying in shape does not come easy and it weeds the strong from the weak. Men do not have to worry about that so much but they have to put up with more than women do. Men get assigned the most strenuous tasks that would otherwise not be assigned to women. There is still a great double standard between men and women in order to get to the next level. Can a cold stop you from accomplishing your daily tasks? How does being tired affect your performance in the things that matter the most? Can physical pain stop you from going to the next level? This is where your determination and ambition may be tested. Pain is all in the mind. Those who have taken it to the next level have learned how to ignore it at times or just tolerate it when it came in the way. Some people await extenuating circumstances to use as an excuse to stay away from success. It’s true that some are frightened by success. I believe that, as unfortunate as it sounds, there isn’t room for everyone to be successful. Everyone says they want to be on top, but talk is cheap. It’s easy to influence people with your words but it’s the people that do the less talking that work towards getting to the next level. Chase your dreams. Everyone has a calling but it takes some longer to figure it out. When you do figure out what it is, do not let pain get in the way of it. You don’t need a team to believe in you; believe in yourself!

The Straight Christian Males View on the DOMA Decision

The Straight Christian Males View on the DOMA Decision Those faces (From I know this is a bit slow to the party, we all know what happened and have reacted properly. I want to think through my feelings on this first though and really form something thoughtful and thorough for you guys. I wont bombard you with statistics about how bad or good homosexual couples are. And even though, as the titlestates, I am Christian I wont throw tons and tons of verses at you. But if not then why bother? you ask. Because you can google some statistic for yourself and easily find things that contradict what I present because of people using psuedo-science. (Hooray for that by the wayseriously, way to use the main way to find truths to provide you lies, really great job. Im slow clapping for you) And I wont throw scripture at you because since when the hell is this a religious debate? Since stupid, thats when. Once stupidity enters any conversation that conversation is essentially dead. Theres also the debate that its unnatural and just wrong and therefore they shouldnt be allowed to marry because ew thats not natural. Shut up, neither is plastic. Now then, weve written a few articles about this topic but the death of DOMA is significant. So, then now that we have some foundation laid lets begin.Going back to my last point about this not being a religious debate seems strange, right? Homosexuals destroy the sanctity of marriage! you cry out. OK, but the 2-week Hooray for lack of progress (From Hollywood marriages dont? Lets face it, whatever sanctity of marriage was left after Henry VIII started beheading women who couldnt give him a son(no seriously that happened, if you dont know check it out. Happened in like 1982I think anyways) has long since been destroyed. Im sorry, Id love to get married eventually and have a nice ceremony but that wouldnt make it anymore sanctified than any other marriage gay or otherwise. Now some people say a marriage is sanctified by God and since being gay is a sin they cant have that. So HA! Take that, gays! Wrongback track a bit here. Lets cover the two things wrong here: 1) if you believe in God as well then congratulations youre also a sinner so there goes sinners cant get married 2) Atheists and people of other religions get married, do theirs just get discredited on a technicality? Im not trying to write off any higher power here, just trying to point out your inconsistency. For the religious folks who say religion is defined as being between a man and a woman  check again.  Its a SOCIAL contract, meaning religion is not a prerequisite. My main push has been to just let them do it because how does it affect you? Whether you call it marriage, a legal union, whatever, why are we denying people basic rights to their loved ones? If we want to get legal about it and say that America is a Christian nation, blah blah blah. No it isnt, it was invented out of the idea s of freedom from persecution. Read the constitution, God shows up around 0 times, if you round up. Thats not to say none of the values are there and our forefathers were godless heathens, but its not what they wanted America for. America was made for, as Braveheart would say, FREEDOM. Now then, onto the science of being gay now that legalities are over with. I got some fresh krill at my place (From Aww look at the cute little penguins.who could possibly be gay. Just saying. Being gay isnt unnatural because it kind of happens in nature about all the time. Various creatures do it and actually do it without bullying the homosexual ones either. So good job again humans, youre bigger a-holes than dolphins and those guys suck. Now,I cant say with 100% certainty that it is something your born as or not but from everyone Ive asked it was. Ive heard stories that some people chose to be and then chose not to be anymore. So it obviously differs and that brings up the whole Nature vs. Nurture concept. Which if you dont know what it is, in short its basically a debate as to whether behavior arises because it is simply hardwired into us (nature) or as a direct result of upbringing (nurture). Personally, I think it isnt much of a choice. Just from what Ive gathered from talking with people about this, its hard to accept that its a choice. And if you reading this think it is a choice then I ch allenge you right now to choose to be gay. Do itits just a choice. I cant choose that and cant even imagine doing it because thats not for me, but for others it is. Ill leave you with this thought to ponder then for a bit, if you are dead set on it has to be a choice then think about it in these terms: its not necessarily deciding whether or not they want to be gay, its deciding whether or not they want to lie about who they are for fear of persecution or to come out and accept whatever may come along with their happiness.So theres my views. Im happy DOMA finally died, but severely disheartened it took this long and isnt even legal in most states because we as humans suck. If you are part of the LGBTQ community I just want to apologize on behalf of fellow Christians who may have turned you away. I accept you with open arms as little as that really means. I dont want to get too preachy up on my soapbox, but please know we arent all like that. For some reason every dumb person has their voice heard by millions and unfortunately their hateful rhetoric is the minority. But again Im sorry for everything. Take that for what you will. Please if you want to discuss this more contact me, if you feel unsure of where you stand on this, on your sexuality, whatever it may be you can contact me. Id be a third-party neutral source. Anyways feel free to drop your opinion in the comments, Ill respond as I can.

Work and Energy Organic Chemistry Tutor - How Does It Work?

Work and Energy Organic Chemistry Tutor - How Does It Work?A work and energy organic chemistry tutor is someone who is a licensed professional in a specific field. Most of the tutors are qualified professionals in fields like biology, geology, chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, or other relevant courses. Usually, a work and energy organic chemistry tutor can teach you subjects which are dealing with the materials that you are taught to use.The classes are conducted through the classroom education method and the student is taught by a licensed professional instructor who has undergone the requisite courses for this profession. So, it's your right to choose a tutor according to your convenience.The curriculum will range from beginner level to advanced study. You can even opt for a certificate course which has extensive information on an entire range of science topics. However, if you are not interested in such courses, then you can enroll for the work and energy organic chemis try tutor by studying on your own as you are capable enough to conduct lectures. For this, you need to be aware of what subjects you want to learn.If you are confident enough about your ability to take lectures and engage in discussions, then you can simply enroll in the program and focus on the intense skills. There are many colleges and universities offering the work and energy organic chemistry tutoring courses which help you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge about chemistry.You can easily search for the schools or universities offering these courses. All you need to do is to visit the website of the school or university and you will be provided with details on the campus. Or, you can even search for jobs on the internet. The career of a work and energy organic chemistry tutor is easy and lucrative.Before you decide to get enrolled in the course, you need to consider the number of days you want to attend the classes and the time commitment on a weekly basis. In additi on, the tuition fee and the payment system depend on the institution. If you are planning to study in America, the fees are usually charged in the form of tuition fees. On the other hand, the fees are very much less in countries like India, China, etc.In the end, it is important to remember that a work and energy organic chemistry tutor are not only a tutor. They also help the students to obtain their degrees. By this, they not only help the students in getting their degree but also help them gain skills and knowledge that they will not be able to attain without enrolling in the course. So, in the end, they actually have the same objective as the teacher: The better students, the better student and so on.